Broadband Map makes it easy to find internet providers and compare cell coverage.
Map Types
Along with the comprehensive maps of cell coverage and internet availability, Broadband Map offers narrowly tailored maps and availability listings.
Internet Availability: Cell Coverage:Data Sourcing
Broadband Map draws extensively on data from the FCC's Broadband Data Collection (BDC) program. While the FCC has a mapping tool consumers can use, the FCC's tool rarely surfaces in search queries. One of Broadband Map's primary goals is surfacing BDC data to a larger audience.
Broadband Map supplements BDC data with crowdsourced, on-the-ground data collected by its partners.
- DIMO: DIMO collects information about the performance of cell networks from thousands of vehicles that collectively drive many millions of miles. DIMO's rich dataset covers all three of the major U.S. networks.
- Roam: Roam offers an Android app that assesses the real-world performance of cell networks as users go about their everyday lives. Data originates from a wide range of devices and accounts for both large networks and small networks.
Both DIMO and Roam take an unconventional approach to crowdsourcing. Rather than hiding data collection from users, they reward members of their communities for participating the data-gathering efforts.
Conflicts of Interest
Broadband Map partners with companies in the telecom industry. Unlike many similar websites, Broadband Map aims to list every internet provider in an area and typically orders providers based on speeds and underlying technology. Outbound links are usually reserved for companies Broadband Map has financial relationships with. The Transparency Page goes into more detail and lists the companies Broadband Map works with.
Broadband Map is imperfect. Elsewhere, details are provided about the limitations in the metrics and mapping process used for ISPs and cell networks.Data Licensing
Portions of Broadband Map's data are available for licensing. Data may be licensed for specific regions, the US at large, or the entire world. Depending on the use case, on-demand access via an API may be possible.
For inquiries related to licensing data or maps, please reach out to .