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Internet Options In Naknek

3 residential internet options are available in Naknek, AK. Enter an address to filter providers by availability.

Download and upload speed estimates are in megabits per second (Mbps).


Provider DownDownload (Mbps) UpUpload (Mbps) AvailabilityAvailability
Bristol Bay Telephone Cooperative 10-25 1-3 95%

Next-Gen Satellite

Provider DownDownload (Mbps) UpUpload (Mbps) AvailabilityAvailability
Starlink 220 25 97%

Old-School Satellite

Provider DownDownload (Mbps) UpUpload (Mbps) AvailabilityAvailability
HughesNet 0.2-10 <1 97%

Broadband Map's availability estimates are based on the census boundaries of Naknek. Speed metrics capture maximum advertised speeds. Both may be overoptimistic.

Naknek Internet Options Map

Darker hexagons show areas of Naknek with more internet options. Select a hexagon to view internet options in a given part of Naknek.

Data Sourcing

Data on Naknek, AK internet providers comes from the FCC's Broadband Data Collection program.